Unlock Your

Full Potential

Zane Griggs

has been helping people improve their metabolic health and fitness as a personal trainer since 1998. He is the host of the Healthy A.F. / Healthy After Fifty podcast where he discusses practical strategies for unlocking optimal health and longevity. He also provides group coaching to the community in the Healthy AF Club. Zane’s focus is to empower people to take charge of their health through the lifestyle decisions they make every day.

"Get Instant Access To Your Free 'How To Build Muscle After 40' Guide and Companion Workbook!"

The quest to build muscle efficiently and sustainably, especially as we age, required a deep dive into both nutritional science and exercise physiology. The foundation for muscle growth lies not only in how you train but also in what you fuel your body with. Through research and personal experimentation, I discovered the intricate balance between protein, fats, and carbohydrates in fueling the body for muscle gain and efficient recovery. It’s not just about lifting weights; it’s about how those weights are lifted and the quality of the nutrition supporting that effort.

Kicking Ass After 50

by Zane Griggs (Author)

Let’s face it, guys, maintaining an optimal level of health as we age is no joke. You need a sustainable strategy that will keep you charging forward, mentally focused, looking and feeling physically fit, and ready to take on the challenges ahead of you.


The Premier Optimization Program for High Achievers.

This exclusive program is designed for the elite few who are truly committed to achieving an unparalleled level of lifestyle optimization. Combining physical fitness with peak career performance, this high-touch initiative is not for everyone.

In fact, most will NOT qualify.


How To Build Muscle Over 40 presented at Hack Your Health 2024

My "How To build Muscle Over 40" presentation from the Hack Your Health Conference in Austin, TX, 2024.

How To Sustain Healthy Habits

People who are successful with lifestyle changes have created systems to support those changes.

Wellness Secrets Panel from the Biohackers World Conference in Austin, TX 2024

I had the pleasure of moderating a panel on the topic of Wellness Secrets: New Approaches in Supplementation, Nutrition, and Fitness for Health and Performance featuring 4 practitioners from Austin, TX.

Get In Touch

Let's connect and have an in-depth discussion about your plan for achieving optimal health. Together, we can explore your health goals, identify any challenges you may be facing, and develop a personalized strategy that suits your lifestyle and needs. Reach out today, and let's start this journey towards a healthier, more vibrant you.

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